Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Computer Issue Solved

Okay, so I have an Acer Aspire One Laptop operating on windows 8.  After installing a few of my favorite programs I started experiencing some major computer issues.

On 1/17/2013 the first thing I noticed about my laptop was how slow it was running.  About five to ten minutes after logging in, I begin receiving a blue message stating that my computer has to restart.  When the computer restarts and I log in the error message repeats.

To solve the problem you must first access safe boot or safe startup:
I oped up the run folder by clicking on the (windows button + R), In the run folder, I ran the file "msconfig", which access the system configuration file.  From here you have five tabs labeled "general, boot, services, startup, and tools."  To safe boot the computer, I clicked on the "boot" tab and checked "safe boot", then you want to click apply and ok.  A message will appear asking to restart the computer, so click okay or restart.  When the computer restarts it should be in safe mode, which should disable the error message
temporarily until the problem is fixed.

In my case, I had two virus protections installed which interfered with each other, causing incorrect functioning.  I also had unwanted programs and or files installed, which contributed to the issue.  So I accessed the "refresh your PC" option by point the cursor in the right side upper corner, from the list of option (search, share, start, devices, and settings) I clicked on search.  Remind you that I'm using windows 8, so it might be a little different for you.  Under search, I clicked on settings and typed in refresh.  Refresh your PC should pop up, click on the icon.  The problem should be solved after refreshing the PC, don't forget to uncheck the safe boot option when you're done.  If this doesn't solve your issue, please leave a comment letting me know.

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